A Helping Hand
There are a few things spinning in my head this past week. I am still on my mission to expose bullshit when I see it. Today's message is for all of those that need a helping hand. Before you stop reading this and holla at me on Twitter( http://twitter.com/YoungMClayton-shameless plug) to tell me that I'm buggin, let me explain further.
"She ain't got no money in the bank".... an epic line from Swizz Beats. Bet you didn’t even realize the wisdom in those words.
There are a few things spinning in my head this past week. I am still on my mission to expose bullshit when I see it. Today's message is for all of those that need a helping hand. Before you stop reading this and holla at me on Twitter( http://twitter.com/YoungMClayton-shameless plug) to tell me that I'm buggin, let me explain further.
"She ain't got no money in the bank".... an epic line from Swizz Beats. Bet you didn’t even realize the wisdom in those words.

See, I am working Joe. A single dude out here in the world, I chill from time to time in the clubs. I see something I like - I do my thing. I might buy a woman a drink; I might buy her two drinks. We might exchange phone numbers. Baby girl looks fly, rocking the latest so am I wrong to assume she has some money in her pocket? We may go out a few times, I'll pick up the tab because I'm a gentleman. But after a point in time, I start to notice that this chick never has a dime in her pocket. A little further investigation reveals that she not only has no money in her pocket but that she also lives on the couch at her cousin's house in the projects. Her sole occupation in life is finding guys to take care of her, to take her shopping and give her spending money. Once she’s pressed to contribute, she gets an attitude and blames everyone else for ‘using her’ and leaving her ‘to fend for herself’. All she has to offer are her womanly favors, drama, and the burden of providing for her (expensive) needs. She’ll be with any man that’s willing to pay. Her only concern is her next power move. Her only value lies within the labels on her clothing (purchased by her ex, boosted or bootleg).
I got no respect for this type of chick. At least a Ho recognizes that this is a “business arrangement”. A Ho may be using her body as a means to an end. Pay her and handle your business so the two of you can get back to your respective lives, ya feel me? I can't be mad at that!

Please don't think I am picking on the females. There are dudes that do it too. I am not sure which is whacker...the girls playing victim or the dudes playing Gigolo.

I bet you already know about the Playboy? Every hood has one. He has good looks, and charm and if you didn't know better you would think he had an income. Consider his fresh gear, the whips he pushes through the hood and the credit cards you see him pulling out at the local food spot. It’s all smoke and mirrors. Dude ain't got no job, he ain't got no place to live, he ain't got nothing to offer besides taking his clothes off for whoever will support him in exchange for the perception of a relationship. Don’t know what sadder. The dude who needs a ‘momma’ to take care of him or the chicks that think they have to provide for a man to keep him.
He makes his living by saddling up with the chick (or dude yeah I said it because we all know there are some Down Low Dudes out there.. Real Talk) that got their shit together enough for him to siphon off a decent existence. He doesn't contribute anything to anyone, including himself. How he eats, drinks, and survives all depends on a WOMAN giving it to him. He's an overgrown kid sitting up at her house eating all her baby's cereal. He'll cop your son's socks and wear um as footies because he has no money of his own to clothe him self. He's the dude that drives her to and from work in her car and fills the tank with her gas money. He might even dip across town and take HIS baby's mother grocery shopping in his woman's car with the money she gave him for ‘pocket money’ (but that’s another story). He does his dirt but stays on a short leash. Once a woman demands that he get up and find a job and contribute, he’ll have a tantrum, he might pretend to look or he might get angry enough to leave her high and dry with piled up bills and babies that he helped create. He’ll get with the next desperate female who he was gaming on behind his current woman’s back (Upgrade?). You know how it is all charities need sponsors!!!! LOL
Now I understand people being in between jobs, I understand being down on your luck. But what I don't understand are the people that think someone owes them something. There are chicks out here that purposely have babies with the highest bidder to ensure she has stable income. If she can't hook baller status then her “Plan B” is to be on public assistance for as long as she can get it. Constantly working on her next come up. Her next hustle. I’ve seen people like this go from shelter, to project, to shelter; to welfare line all their lives.
Not sure what's more trifling, a female acting like a whore or a man acting like a bitch by being a “Man-whore”. There are some men that will sleep with women or MEN to get what it is they want. Never does it occur to either of these types of people that…
Don’t nobody owe you nothing!!

I get confused. I really do. Who da fuck are you to think you should show up and get all the spoils of life? Who da fuck are you to think that you don’t have to work like the rest of us? What is so special about you that you believe another person should work and toil in order to fulfill your needs? I am not even talking about JUST the Gold Diggers. I’m talking about those who are homeless and hungry RIGHT NOW, because they refuse to work at a job that pays less then what they think they should earn. They are bitter and angry because someone took something away that was given to them.. food, shelter, money, a car, freedom. I am talking them and the people that make a living off of public assistance. The ones who lives in the basement of grandma’s house (because she lets him) up to and beyond the point of grandma being put in her grave without ever working on a plan to take care of themselves. Ah, yes.
A Master Plan…everyone should have one.
If your laying up living off of drug money then why isn’t your girl in school getting her education so that she can help you move that money into a legit business?
A plan…what will you do once the day comes when you can’t do whatever it is that you have been doing to get by or get over? What comes next? Do YOU have a 5 yr plan? A next 10-minute plan? If not checkout my man Ash Cash the http://theashcashshow.com/

How about get a job? That’s always a good step. It kills me to hear blacks talk about the Mexicans and the Africans. You’re laughing and clowning them but while they may work for pocket change they are also making moves behind the scene. You’ll be making an appointment with that Pakistani’s son when he becomes a doctor to help you with the high blood pressure you got from eating all that Kennedy Fried Chicken they was peddling to you while you laughed at them and turned over your hustled up money.
My black folks are killing me, for real. Every nationality has spent time being the underdog in this country. Italian, Irish, German, Jewish, Mid Eastern, Pilipino. you name it. When they came to this country they were poor, unfamiliar with their environment, didn’t speak the language and each and every one of them got in where they fit in and pulled themselves up by their bootstraps. At one time we only wanted a piece of land to sharecrop on, at one time we only wanted to be allowed to show up and work. At one time the “freed slaves” had a plan to find their way to economic stability; proud because they earned their way through life…we wanted only to be allowed a pair of boots to pull up.
What happened to us black folks?
Why do some people feel entitled?
Having President Obama in the office makes it clear to me that with education, perseverance and a plan…any person can go far in this country. As soon as we get a little pocket change…we go buy rims, or a new car. Neither of which has any value to anyone other than the person that sold it to you. Credit cards, payday loans, closets full of designer shoes and purses. You men with the boxes upon boxes of never worn or once worn kicks. (Can’t lie I used to be like that.. But Shit I had to grow up!) Jordan didn’t need your donation, but he and Nike surely do appreciate it.
And talking about spinning your wheels on irrelevant shit.

I’m hurting for my black woman right now. I’m hurting for the good chicks that do have a plan but their man isn’t on the same page. I’m a respectable dude and I really don’t wanna smash the next man’s piece. I get conversations at work, overhear it on the train and read it on the net. There are a lot of black women out here holding it down in their relationships. I see you, Ma. I hear your man talking shit on you about how you nag him to stay home. How you complain that he’s always out with his friends. I don’t understand how the dudes think that shit is lightweight. If dude stopped hearing his woman nag and started listening instead he could hear what I hear. Your woman wants you to be present and accounted for in the relationship.
For the slow people. Your woman wants to spend time with you. Did you ever think that she might do some of the cooking and ‘special treats’ that she doesn’t do ‘like she used to’ if you were there with her more often? I know dudes that spend more time at their (single) boys house playing video games and smoking, then they do in their own house. You expect your woman to come home to an empty house each night. Or you hang out Mon-Sunday and stagger in whenever you get there and then get mad when she doesn’t want to see about you at 3 AM? She accuses you of doing everything under the sun with the next chick and you say she’s nagging and tripping for no re

Why aren’t you rushing home to run her a hot bath? Or asking her sit down and kick her shoes off so that you can rub her feet and ask her how HER day was? You could make a daily ritual of sleighing her over the back of the couch as soon as she walks in the door. I guarantee you if you did those things more often you could get your hot meal with the big piece of chicken, a cold 22 oz. delivered to you on the couch and a much happier, less complaining woman. She would send you out the door with a smile on your face. She would encourage you to hang out with your friends and have fun. Things will definitely improve as long as she knows she is a part of your life along with the social life and friends and not some type of ill responsibility that you try your best to avoid. We have enough dysfunctional families out here. If your with a nice female and your plan was to build with her, then I urge you to get your focus back on your home life. And if you find that a relationship isn’t what you were looking for after all, then be man enough to put it on the table and free her back into the world. I’m single and would love to meet a nice chick, I would hate to think she’s missing out on me because she’s wasting her time waiting on you to be the man your NOT.
1 comment:
So true and so on point! I see women all the time who portray themselves as slabs of meat on the table for thirsty broke men to come snatch them up and help pay their behind bills! I have stopped going to the clubs because I am so sick of seeing my fellow black women dress in scantily clad clothing, barely there shirts that they turned into dresses, asses out and hungry for a broken down piece of man to come approach them to take them home and Fuck them only to leave them where they met them....standing alone looking thirsty for attention.
I have come across the men who portray themselves to be a MAN but the more you unraavel him, the more I realzed how less of a man he really was, how so far from being a man he really was. It shurts to see my black men out there searching for women to take care of them because they fill like kings or such or like they should be taken care of. I am tired of seeing the "Street Thugs" who think they becuase they hit a thousand dollar lick that they are sumthing to jock in the club because they are buying up the bar with their re-up money!
I have seen this and has been a victim of this mess! My sons father is the most disgusting person who depends on any bitch willing to take care of him. I realized who he was before I found out I was pregnant at 19 (and he 27) and thats when I knew what had to be done. I am single and have been since before my son was born 7yrs ago and althogh being lonely sometimes can be rough and saddening, i'd rather be lonely then be used, abused, cheated on an dleft to deal with whatever it is he will leave me with to deal with alone. It is a struggle being a single mother, and a single woman, but as Hank Hill would say "I tell ya what!" It's fine by me.....The sad part is, I wouldn't be this way and many other men and women wouldn't be this way if people stopped acting like someone owed them something!
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